February 3, 2012

Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide

In every moment that you are awake or conscious, you are literally radiating a signal, not so different from a radio signal, and the Universe accepts that signal as your point of attraction.

Every moment that you are conscious or awake, you are literally pulsing an electronic vibration, and the entire Universe is accepting that electronic vibration as your point of attraction and is matching it with other things that are like it.

Your job is to start monitoring your feelings so you really know what is joy, and what is appreciation, what is love and what is sadness, what is anxiety, what is frustration, what is anger.                

When you can detect subtle shifts in your feelings, you will be able to do subtle adjustments in your vibration which will bring you the ability to follow your bliss

As you begin to play with your emotions, or be aware of the way you feel, when you pay attention to the way that you feel, what you are going to notice is ... your emotions let you know, your emotions are your guidance system, that let you know how you are vibrating.                       

And it is so important to understand that, because when you know how you are vibrating, then you understand why it is that you are attracting what you are getting.


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