February 13, 2012

The Amazing U

Good morning my readers,

How r U feelin today?
Mellow to the low?
Stranded to the dead?

Here's some ideas;
Stand up, grab a mirror, smile and say 'I am A-M-A-Z-ing!'

Still have a cloud in head? listen to 'I Speak No Americano' pump up song as Ur mind backsound :)

Repeat this also in mind;
There is none of a person who can judge who U r.
There is no one outside U who can take control Ur emotion.
There is no one who can make U sad without Ur permition.

I'm not requesting U to be some kinda stubborn or deaf (in other cruel word).
But, if someone in a way makes U far from positive and productive reactions, just take a deep inhale thus exhale, no need to reaction at the first place.
Freeze them, both Ur physical (mouth) and Ur mind (anger).

You better leave that person awhile from Ur sight.
Find something which can make U cool down.
Spare sometime to gather positive thoughts,
then analyze and pick the best of those.

After the clouds blew away, get back to the source and let's start our reaction firmly.

Then, clarify the SEX step ;
Share what U feel
Explain what U want
Xplore what U thought

I believe that SEX will clear up the mess,
But if not, at least U already in the right way of communication.
And, it means that person doesn't have one vision with U,
and doesn't know how an extraordinary person U r.

Don't waste time to choose another next step;
Stay and build up,
Leave and move on.

Hope this post would remind U, that U r amazing.
Cos, U f r!

Ps :
U = you
r = are
f = ... well, I'm sure U know that f word ;P

1 comment:

RH said...

Betul jika anda marah temukan sesuatu yng membuat dingin.
Dalam Hadistnya Nabi Muhammad Saw Bersabda :
Jika Kamu dalam keadaan Marah dalam keadaan berdiri maka duduklah,
Jika Masih tidak kuat menahan amarah berbaringlah Atau Dari ‘Athiyah r a berkata,RAsulullah saw bersabda,”Sesungguhnya marah itu berasal dari syetan,dan sesungguhnya Syetan itu di ciptakan dari api,sedangkan api hanya bisa dipadamkan dengan air.Oleh karena itu,apabila seorang dari kalian marah,maka hendaklah ia berwudhu(HR Abu DAwud)